Cleaner Professional FREE

by Fontana Daiana


not available

Delete unnecessary files and unused apps to improve the performance of your Android device. Powered by freelencer users of the application of more powerful cleaning.Ideal if your Android phone:● slow Phone?● Often in bulk?● Unable to complete tasks?● Do not take pictures?
The Professional Cleaner app will help you:
✔ Improve performance - your phone will be faster and more fluid, free from all that is not necessary✔ Get control of your phone - discover what occupies space in memory and you decide what you need✔ Delete the junk - got rid of old Whatsapp and SMS messages, cache, logs of calls and other stuff you do not need. Choose whether to delete files selectively or in groups✔ Have a vision for your apps - delete or disable the ones you do not use✔ Make space - for apps, music and photos you care✔ Keep in memory the files you want - the app does not delete anything that you have not chosen
And 'Everything FREE:✔ Schedule automatic cleaning - choose when you want your phone to be clean, what you want to remove, and Professional Cleaner will run automatically in the background✔ Instantly removes bulky file - is the worst file and remove them immediately